Seasonal Storage
7 Month Lease April 1st to October 31st
Boats 31' & longer $130.00 per month
Boats 25' & up to 30' $115.00 per month
Boats 24' & shorter $100.00 per month
Jet Skis on two place trailer $85.00 per month
Jet Skis on a single place trailer $65.00 per month
Month-to-Month Storage
Boats 31' & longer $200.00 per month
Boats 25' & up to 30' $175.00 per month
Boats 24' & shorter $145.00 per month
Jet Skis on two place trailer $120.00 per month
Jet Skis on a single place trailer $95.00 per month
Storage Availibilty
Current storage availability is limited. Please fill out the form to be added to our wait list.